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Clad In Iron: Philippines 1898 Free Download [key Serial Number]


Updated: Mar 18, 2020

About This Game CLAD in IRON: Philippines 1898 is a Spanish-American War alternate history naval game in which a turned-based wargame and a real-time strategy are combined.Alternate history is a genre of fiction consisting of stories in which historical events occur differently. These stories contain "what if" scenarios at crucial points in history and present outcomes other than those in the historical record.Historical Events:The first battle between American and Spanish forces was at Manila Bay where U.S. Navy's Asiatic Squadron defeated a Spanish squadron. The following Dewey's victory, Manila Bay was filled with the eight warships of Germany. The Germans expected the confrontation to end in an American defeat, with the Filipinos revolutionaries capturing Manila and leaving the Philippines ripe for German picking. The main forces of the U.S. Asiatic Squadron, including the mighty cruiser USS Olympia, are forced to guard the Manila Bay from German warships."What if" Scenario:The shocking outcome of the Battle of Manila Bay spurred the Spanish government to organize a relief expedition. Warships, troopships and transports arrived from Spain to Iloilo City. Coming new battle between the rising and falling empire!Gameplay Description:Manage your fleet and army, hunt the enemy's fleet, hide your weak squadrons in protected ports until reinforcements arrive, blockade enemy trade routes, amphibious assaults and harbour sieges, struggle for dominance over the seas in turned-based strategic mode - all of these actions are possible in CLAD in IRON: Philippines 1898.The real time tactical battle mode allows you to set up battles and squadron groups with their formations and management using realistic ship models and characteristics as well as advanced ballistics and weapon models. Choose your ships, increase the experience of your crews and send your squadron into the high seas. Command a battle formation and experience the power of iron and steam in a turned-based maritime strategy mode while fighting battles with a tactical real time naval simulation game.Raise anchor and get CLAD in IRON: Philippines 1898 NOW!ATTENTION! In the game there is no interactive training, only a textual manual. 7aa9394dea Title: Clad in Iron: Philippines 1898Genre: Simulation, StrategyDeveloper:Totem GamesPublisher:Totem GamesRelease Date: 14 Nov, 2017 Clad In Iron: Philippines 1898 Free Download [key Serial Number] clad in iron philippines 1898. clad in iron philippines 1898 review. clad in iron philippines 1898 review. clad in iron philippines 1898 After the first start of the game you will be dumbfounded. You will not understand what to do. The game will just wait until you take the first step. No tutorial. No training mission. There is only a manual. But he does not try to explain step by step what to do. It seems that it is terrible. I want to get angry and write a rough overview. Write about what this is a bad game, and then compare it to Total War. For most, everything will be just like that!Therefore, I immediately warn that if you need a modern dynamic arcade strategy about ships, then immediately look for other options. This game will not work for you. And if you are looking for the most realistic simulator of sea battles, then this is an excellent choice. If in reality the gun charges a long five minutes, then in the game it will be so. If the radius of the turn of the steel cruiser is 500 yards, then be patient and wait. Similarly, with the time set speed. The steamer is not a torpedo boat and can not accelerate to 40 knots in a couple of minutes. Each speed dial node in the game must wait. And the speed drops when cornering, so every turn needs to be considered. In general, most of the time the player watches and waits. If you need such a game, you can not find anything better. It's almost a textbook.Oh, I forgot that not every projectile hits the target. Accuracy of shooting 10% is a lot. And for each hit shell will drown the enemy. Sometimes large ships with good armor have to be shot for more than an hour. At the same time, you can speed up the game time only twice.All that I have described for most people will be shortcomings. For most, but not for me.. With each new game, the developers (Totem Games) were approaching the time of the steel steam navy and the epic sea battles of the Sino-Japanese War of 1895, the Spanish-American War of 1898 and the Russo-Japanese War of 1905. In this case, the events unfold during the Spanish-American war in the Pacific. Because in reality, the resistance of the Spaniards to the US Asian Squadron (commander George Dewey) was small, the developers had to delve into the history books and to call for help alternative history. In reality, the expedition of the Spanish admiral Manuel de la C\u00e1mara to the Philippines was canceled, but the Spanish fleet still had warships that send them to Asia. Thus, we can say that the historical part is on the verge between truth and fiction. Damn, but who cares?What's new in the game itself? All units and buildings in the game now need to be supplied. Previously, everything was simple - take the biggest and strongest ships and destroy all. Now it is worthwhile to think several times how much the elementary movement of a large warship on the supply route will cost. Captured the enemy harbor and placed there a garrison of infantry - be prepared to spend on its maintenance! It's cheaper to defend than to attack. All this made the game in a strategic mode more interesting.What can I say about the simulator mode of combat between ships? At first glance, everything is as before. But if you look closely, it turns out that a very useful function has been added. Now you can visually determine the dangerous distance. Instead of the good old wooden sloops of Lincoln's time, we operate well-armed steel steamships (mostly). From such enemies it is useful to stay away and hope that your shells will fall more often and cause more damage to the enemy. I really do not advise you to engage in close combat, before the enemy ships are badly damaged.As before, I refrain from recommending this game to everyone. That would be untrue. This is a very special and largely unpolished game, but I like to play it.. I like the history period of this game, now naval battles are very intense, and you can feel the difference between old ships like frigates (even with modern artillery) and modern cruisers, the real terror of seas.Other reviwers told a lot about supply system developers added to game, it works cool, I like that too. This game worth to play if you like other games in this series.. very good ship graphics and controlsclear and concise game manualplays well even if you simply choose to stay on the strategy mapplays even better if you choose to go to ship level combatno crashes or problems on windows 7 64 bitif you like naval wargames with a bit of charm and plenty of historical accuracy then get this. If you like naval combat, especially naval combat in the Victorian Era, and obscure now-forgotten wars, this game is for you.. With each new game, the developers (Totem Games) were approaching the time of the steel steam navy and the epic sea battles of the Sino-Japanese War of 1895, the Spanish-American War of 1898 and the Russo-Japanese War of 1905. In this case, the events unfold during the Spanish-American war in the Pacific. Because in reality, the resistance of the Spaniards to the US Asian Squadron (commander George Dewey) was small, the developers had to delve into the history books and to call for help alternative history. In reality, the expedition of the Spanish admiral Manuel de la C\u00e1mara to the Philippines was canceled, but the Spanish fleet still had warships that send them to Asia. Thus, we can say that the historical part is on the verge between truth and fiction. Damn, but who cares?What's new in the game itself? All units and buildings in the game now need to be supplied. Previously, everything was simple - take the biggest and strongest ships and destroy all. Now it is worthwhile to think several times how much the elementary movement of a large warship on the supply route will cost. Captured the enemy harbor and placed there a garrison of infantry - be prepared to spend on its maintenance! It's cheaper to defend than to attack. All this made the game in a strategic mode more interesting.What can I say about the simulator mode of combat between ships? At first glance, everything is as before. But if you look closely, it turns out that a very useful function has been added. Now you can visually determine the dangerous distance. Instead of the good old wooden sloops of Lincoln's time, we operate well-armed steel steamships (mostly). From such enemies it is useful to stay away and hope that your shells will fall more often and cause more damage to the enemy. I really do not advise you to engage in close combat, before the enemy ships are badly damaged.As before, I refrain from recommending this game to everyone. That would be untrue. This is a very special and largely unpolished game, but I like to play it.. Inside this game, more is hidden than it seems. I will not hide that I like this game. I like how the series of games is being improved step by step. In the last game, developers basically improved the turn-based strategy. From this (the supply system) the game became deeper and more interesting. I see that the developers have taken care of the newcomers. I hope there will be more training videos.I also would like the ship to be divided into separate parts: the hull of the ship, the steam engine and boilers, the shell of the shells. Now randomness plays an insignificant role in the battle. I would like to see the critical damage from the "golden shell". Maybe other accidents, like weather.Separately, I want to thank you for the wonderful models of ships. These are the most realistic ships possible. Yes, "World of Warships" I'm looking at you.Can I recommend this game to everyone? No I can not! Can I say that this is the "Total War" on the sea? No I can not. "Total War" is an arcade strategy for a mass player. This game is a mix of the old-fashioned simulator of naval battles and a wargame with unique rules.. very good ship graphics and controlsclear and concise game manualplays well even if you simply choose to stay on the strategy mapplays even better if you choose to go to ship level combatno crashes or problems on windows 7 64 bitif you like naval wargames with a bit of charm and plenty of historical accuracy then get this. If you like naval combat, especially naval combat in the Victorian Era, and obscure now-forgotten wars, this game is for you. Clad in Iron: Carolines 1885 Dev Diary #5 - Gunboat diplomacy: The attention of enthusiasts of naval history is usually riveted to the largest and most powerful ships — during the times of the steam fleet they were battleships. Without a doubt, these war machines used the latest technologies of that era, but even the richest industrial powers could not build and contain a number of battleships sufficient to send them to every corner of their empires. In addition, in peacetime, such ships could not fight pirates and insurgents, support land operations from the coast, or ensure control of long-range possessions. Here a completely different type of ship was needed - inexpensive to build and maintain, which could go without naval bases and coal stations for months. To control the overseas colonial empires, the Western powers needed ships with sails and steam engines.In the 1880s, there were only two ports in all of Asia and Oceania, where a modern ship could be repaired - the British Hong Kong and the Japanese Yokohama. The situation with coal stations was no better, where it was possible to replenish the fuel supply, so the demand for sailing-steam gunboats and cruisers in the European and American fleets remained stable and high. In the event of any conflict with the inhabitants of Asia or Oceania, European traders and officials demanded that their governments urgently send a gunboat or a cruiser. Such a course of action got its name - “gunboat diplomacy”. When the situation became very serious, wooden, iron or steel steam frigates and cruisers of the colonial powers were rushing to the scene.Images on Facebook page link forum thread link Bug fixed: Fixed a bug that prevented the launch of the program (game) or the termination of the program in simulator mode.. Clad in Iron: Carolines 1885 Dev Diary #1 - Spanish warships: The construction of a large series of steam frigates and broadside ironclads in the 1860s put Spain among the foremost naval powers, but in subsequent years economic problems and political instability led to a complete loss of occupied positions. After a decade, the Spanish fleet is very outdated and could no longer protect the national interests of the sea. The situation prevailing in Spain by the early 1880s was very difficult. The country has just ended devastating civil wars and revolutions. Therefore, in 1880, the Spanish government took the first steps to restore the former sea power. The problem was that there was very little money in the treasury, and the Spanish shipbuilding industry was very outdated. For this reason, by 1883 a series of small 250t colonial gunboats was built in Spain (1st right). These first iron ships for the renewed fleet were not very successful. After the construction of a series of larger 550t iron gunboats in 1885 (2nd right), it became clear that the Spaniards were not able to design modern warships. Therefore, in the UK were bought small 1000t iron cruisers (3rd right). When Germany attempted to annex the Caroline Islands in 1885, Spain could send only 4600t wooden frigates (4th right) and 5700t wooden ironclads (5th right) to Oceania as capital to the image of the Spanish ships page link forum thread link Clad in Iron: Sakhalin 1904 Now Available on Steam: Clad in Iron: Philippines 1898 - Free update of the game from January 4, 2019: 1. TBS mode. The division of all the harbors in the shallow and deep. Now, large ships will not be able to enter the shallow harbor.2. TBS mode. The probability of a ship undermining a minefield depends on its size.3. TBS mode. The probability of a successful attack of a torpedo boats depends on the size of the target.4. Fixed some bugs.. We fixed some potential bugs.: We continue to optimize the game engine. In the course of these studies, we have found and fixed some issues that could potentially create technical problems.. CLAD in IRON: Philippines 1898 Update - June 5th, 2018: In this update, we added torpedo weapons and new types of ships to the game, and also improved the graphics:- Now players will be able to use the ships armed with torpedoes in the strategy (TBS) and simulator (SIM) mode. Automatic and manual torpedo control is available.- New types of ships were added: a Spanish torpedo boats destroyer and a coastal defense ship, an American auxiliary cruiser.- American 1150t patrol gunboats rearmed with 4-inch rapid-fire (QF) weapons.- In order to achieve a more realistic appearance in the simulator mode, we improved the water surface graphics (sea waves).- Improved textures and detailing of all 3d models of ships.. CLAD in IRON: 3 in 1 BUNDLE Available Now!:


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